Cultivators' Lifespan
These are Novel chapters (in wuxiaworld) mentioning “lifespan”:
- 141: Nine Netherbird said: “humans are able to increase their lifespan through cultivation”.
- 222: Li Xuantong said: “Luo Tianshen’s lifespan will come to an end in at most, five years.” .” (but, no clue regarding his actual age)
- 1435: Before every single Grand Elder reaches the end of their lifespan, they would come here and spread their Spiritual Energy out to fuse with the Ancestral Pagoda.
- 1556: the Heavenly Evil Monarch smiled. “I sacrificed my nine eyes to form the tenth. The price it took was my lifespan, and if I couldn’t take down your Great Thousand World despite this price, would I have suffered a great loss?”
Based on Nine Netherbird saying, “the higher the cultivati…
TGR Wiki
When I took over this place, it was delapitated and lacked editors. I transformed this place and made this place somewhwere that users could edit freely. I decided to take a more hands off approach to this wiki than my previous wikis, but there were certain standards that I wanted upholding, one of which is not having tabs. This is about consistency and the ability to find information easily without having to click through pages. It may be a personal preference, but I am in a position to have those personal preferences. Please note, if you want to do it differently, your own way, you're welcome to export this wiki and recreate it to your personal standards and preferences. The community guidelines exist for a reason.
Hello fellow daoists
Hi there! You can call me JJ, I want to make this wikia better than it currently is, add options like chat and new templates like polls. For both of these things I need to be Admin, so I'm currently looking for input if you'd be okay or not okay with me being admin.
You can check my contributions and edits, I edit everyday on my time zone (which isn't the same as the server that's why I still don't have the 2 weeks badge lol but I'm close :P) and I try to keep the wikia clean of errors and up to date with current translation. As soon as the novel is over, which is pretty soon, I'll be trying for an overhaul of all old posts to add more information and references, and I'd really like your support.
either way please leave a comment below!
The end is near
So with Thyaeria saying that she'll be done posting the chapters before Xmas anyone else re-reading the whole thing like me? Lol
Please Be Patient
It's going to take me a little while to get this place looking and feeling like I feel it should. I've already gotten achievements enabled, changed the theme redesigned the front page. It should feel less gloomy and you should all feel like you're working towards something as you rack up achievements. There's a lot more to come in terms of getting this place to feel right, but it's a first step.
Adoption Request
Hi everyone,
I'm interested in taking over this wiki. There's been a lot of fantastic work that's gone into this wiki, honestly, the work that Blood Rage has put in cannot be underestimated. But of late, I seem to be the only person editing and there's a few things that require elevated permissions for me to fix in order to get this place looking, feeling and functioning as I feel it should do. While I feel my work here should speak for itself, I'm also the admin over at the Peerless Martial God wikia. So if no one has any objections, I'd like to gain the permissions to help this place flourish more.
Sabret00the (talk) 12:25, May 20, 2018 (UTC)
ANNOUNCEMENT: I would like to apply for bureaucrat rights on the Wiki
As you guys know the Bureaucrat(Shacour) is missing for over 9 months. Due to this, it has become quite difficult to arrange the wiki resources efficiently. Few users have started to add stuff to wiki recently, as a result, the wiki resources have increased by a good margin. But for the better management of the wiki, an active staff has become essential.
For that reason, I have decided to put forward my name for bureaucrat rights on the Wiki. Though I'm not an old editor of this wiki, i have sufficient contribution to the wiki I think. Anyway, I would like to ask for your approvals as well before I put in an official request for Bureaucrat rights.
I am creating a poll for this so please cast your votes before 19th March 2018! If you would li…